Unceasing Wave of Protests becomes a mass public struggle


Gradual Origination of Economic Woes

Sri Lanka’s woes gathered gradually since 2019. It originated with the infamous Easter Sunday attack in April 2019 which had a far reaching impact on the tourism sector, a main source of foreign exchange earner.  In December 2019, the outbreak of Covid-19 raised its ugly head compelling the government to declare long-drawn lock-downs and travel restrictions intermittently. This situation persisted through 2020 and 2021, causing a negative effect on nation’s fragile economy.  Still, people had trust in the presidency of GR and the government.  Then, the government blundered by imposing a ban on imports of chemical fertiliser which threatened a possible food shortage.  Former premier forewarned the government of the looming economic downturn but the government adamantly professed that it could manage it.  The government was all confident that Sri Lanka’s economy would survive unscathed in spite of brewing troubles in the economic front. Meanwhile, the government had to bear some unnecessary expenses due to their own blunders such as paying compensation for cancellation of the Light Train project and cancellation of shipment of Chinese fertiliser for instance.  Then, some mass scale corruption took place in terms of sugar tax scam and Garlic scandal at CWE (Cooperative Wholesale Establishment) which were craftily put under the carpet by the government as if the government had some connivance. The government lost money to the tune of billions as a result.  In this context, it is obvious that the government didn’t have a forthright policy to manage an ailing economy in face of a crisis. So, it became a chain reaction as the state coffers were getting depleted day by day.  In this wake, the dollar reserves dwindling rapidly impacting all performing industries in the country.  Then, shortages of essential commodities became commonplace throughout the country. First, a leading LP Gas distributor went out of business. Sri Lankan households being heavily dependent on LP gas for cooking got affected badly as other distributors failed to meet the demand. A dearth of milk powder in the market added salt to the economic wounds of the country. Then the worst started to unravel. The government was suddenly in a situation where it had no dollars to clear Petrol and Diesel shipments out of the port. With fuel being in short supply, long queues of vehicles formed in front of filling stations around the country. This fuel shortage triggered the power cuts of long hours that came to stay impeding the peaceful life style of fellow Sri Lankans. People from every social stratum began to feel the economic burden in no uncertain terms. So, agitation among people was inevitable and it is rolling now.  

Feeling economic insolvency at households

When people started to feel economic insolvency, they became agitated. Besides, people felt hopeless under these circumstances and didn’t know where to turn to, with no durable solution in sight. Meanwhile, some unconfirmed news items of the high level of corruption of the Rajapakse regime went viral in the social media platforms. One such item was on the YouTube channel reporting an alleged smuggling of US$ 19 Billion out of the country by Rajapakses to Uganda.  These dollars were taken out as printed material in Srilankan Airlines special charter flights.  According to unconfirmed sources, these printed material was not allowed to be checked at the Customs. Judging by the weight, it was speculated that it should have contained US$ 19 Billion in US$ 100 denominations. While the writer is not in a position to confirm this claim, it was reported that Uganda’s foreign reserves had suddenly risen up by US$ 20 Billion.  Whether this story is true or false, the people began to believe it.  In another video clip which got viral, it was reported that Rajapakse siblings own 4 private jets, again subject to official verification.  It gave rise to this story when MR chose to travel to Tirupati Temple in South India in a private jet that arrived from Uganda. In the minds of people, all these incidents seem to have a common link.  Further, Nirupama Rajapakse, once a minister and a cousin of GR and MR had been featured in Pandora papers for an unimaginable amount of money deposited in foreign banks.  In this context of affairs, economically downtrodden people tended to believe these stories of corruption by the successive Rajapakse regimes.  Meanwhile, some vociferous opposition politicians craftily articulated these corruption allegations in such a way that it addressed the minds of already suffering masses. The first salvo against the government was fired by former parliamentarian Hirunika Premachandra who staged a protest in front of the president’s private residence at Mirihana.  She was accompanied by female members of the Mothers’ Front of SJB which she headed as the convener. It was reported that even the state intelligence services were not aware of this protest before being staged, pointing to a serious lapse on the part of the state intelligence mechanism.  However, it was a peaceful protest which dispersed without a violent incident. After this protest, she explained to the media of her objective of organising this protest movement and that was to allay the fear psychosis of people to rise against the corrupt regime.  Of course, this has set the trend of unceasing waves of protests all around the country.

Mass uprising gaining momentum 

In the evening of 31st April 2022, there was a scheduled power cut in force in Nugegoda town limits. Some people gathered to shop for essentials which were in short supply. People’s frustration and anger grew impulsively. This gathering suddenly decided to stage a peaceful protest in front of the president’s private residence which is a few metres away.  When people commenced their protest campaign, they were joined by passers-by and the neighbours.  It was very clear that this protest was not instigated by any political elements. It was a peaceful protest which was attended by a decent crowd in the residential area. The protestors were encouraged by the passing vehicles sounding the horn. It soon turned out to be a massive protest when more people started pouring in. Even some mothers with toddlers were seen in this voluntary and impulsive campaign.  The squads of Police, STF and Army were rushed to the scene. While the peaceful protest was going on, a lonely man walked up to a parked Army bus in the vicinity and set it on fire in the full view of peaceful protestors. Police chose to stand in silence when this ugly incident was taking place. With the torching of the Army bus, Police and STF sprang into action to quell the peaceful protest.  The protestors were rounded up and physically beaten before being taken into police custody. In fact, the Police and STF virtually made the protest into an act of violence in an instant. Next day, over 300 lawyers gathered at the Police Station, Mirihana to secure the release of protestors. This was unprecedented in the history of the judiciary. Ultimately, all suspects were released from police custody to the applause of the lawyers who were present. This was a show of solid unity that sent shock waves through the government circles.  This event was followed by more lethal actions by the people’s movement. SJB and JVP called for a mass rally on 02nd of April 2022 at Galle Face green.  The government had quickly taken pre-empt actions to suppress the mass rally thereby declaring a state of emergency and a full day curfew being imposed to prevent people from gathering. But, people defied the curfew to stage a protest. This movement started gaining momentum further in ensued days.  Now, it has become a mass uprising calling for the president and the parliament to resign. The protestors have been camping on the Galle Face green in front of the Presidential Secretariat over a period of almost one week by now.  The protest movement was supported by Actors, Singers, Cricketers and prominent public figures en masse.  The protest continued even during Sinhala/ Tamil New Year and drew a crowd close to one million. The protestors call for the ouster of the president and his family members in politics and demand for recovery of looted money from the national coffers. But, the president didn’t give into the peoples’ pressure and refused to step down. Last week, the entire cabinet tendered resignation to the PM against the right protocol. Next day, four ministers were sworn in to handle the most vital areas of governance. Mr. Ali Sabry who was sworn in as new Minister of Finance resigned the post on the following day citing family pressure. Now, the government is in utter chaos with a few options or no options at all. On the other hand, the executive and premier simply cannot afford to run away from the predicament either as it will seal off their political careers abruptly and especially their dream political dynasty being blown to smithereens. Therefore, the coming days would be very crucial for Sri Lanka. So, seeing is believing as no one could predict the future in the context of the status quo.  

To be continued.. 

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