Trump represents Trump

Politics is a dirty business, and as time goes on it seems to get worse and worse. Case in point, Donald Trump. There was a time when if someone was confirmed to be engaged in an extramarital affair, their public life would be over. There wouldn’t be a single person who would vote that type of person into office. But somehow, Donald Trump managed to turn that into a positive, managed to take sleeping with a pornstar and have people vote for it.
We have seen this time and time again, where things that should have disqualified him from public office, somehow end up as a rallying cry for him. This is a man that is currently facing four separate indictments, but still continues to lead in his goal to become the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. Now, like many sane people, you may be wondering how this is, how is it possible that people continue to buy into his whole spiel? The answer is rhetoric.
People love to be a part of something, and worse, they hate when they feel left out. Politics in America is very much about being part of something, you are part of one team or the other. There is no in between. Yes, I know there are third party candidates, but let’s talk about reality. When one party is in power, the other feels left out, attacked, victimised. This happened to Republicans under Clinton, Democrats under Bush and then Republicans again under Obama. Now, we aren’t going to dive into the individual politics of these people or their parties, we are looking at Trump.
This is because when Trump came into office, somehow, he convinced many people that they were still being victimised and hated, that they were still on the outside. To be honest, much of this was actually driven by the media, and their hatred for Trump. But! Where did this hatred come from? Trump fanned these flames, went out and attacked these media personalities, drove the story, he incited the attacks on himself. Then when they responded, as any normal person would, he said “Look at how they treat me, and they do this because I represent you, and that means they hate you” (That’s not a real quote).
This brings us back to the biggest example of Trump being able to politicise his four indictments to inspire more loyalty to him. It’s the same exact claim he’s been making since he actually entered politics for the 2016 race. He claims to represent people who feel that the system is against them, for whatever their reasoning, he’s the man that will make their voice heard. Then he ties that representation to how other people in power feel, or in this case, act towards him. When they indict Trump on criminal charges, he tells them, they’re not indicting me, they are indicting YOU! This resonates with people who feel their voices haven’t been heard, you feel like they have been left out of the conversation, who feel they have been attacked, it rings true to the world they see through their own eyes.
Again, I’m not trying to say why people that support Trump are right or wrong, everyone has their own lived experiences. Some of these people may have legitimate feelings of being left out or ignored by the system. The point that we are making is that Trump doesn’t care about them, he doesn’t want to help the disenfranchised. He cares about himself and will use anyone and anything that he thinks will get him ahead.
There is one more major point that I want to draw attention to, and that is the difference between Joe Biden’s issues with his son’s legal issues, and Trump’s. But before we dig into that, let’s get one thing clear, we are talking about the real world. What someone says to the cameras is not what goes on behind the scenes, you have to extrapolate what they say, to what they are likely doing.
For example, Hunter Biden is under investigation, and Joe has time and time again said he’s done nothing wrong, he supports his son, etc etc. What he has not done is rant and rave about how all of this is targeted. How it’s an attack on his family, how it’s an attack on the people that he represents. He, personally, has not politicised these investigations. Now, I am sure, behind the scenes he is doing everything in his power to protect his son, and having conversations about it with the movers and shakers. What father wouldn’t?
But then when you look at Trump, out there pounding his chest and shouting from the rooftops, whipping people up into a frenzy. Ask yourself this, if that’s what he’s doing in front of cameras for everyone to see, what do you think he’s doing behind closed doors? What lengths do you think a man who walks, talks and acts the way he does, is willing to go to in order to get what he wants?
I’m not a lawyer, I’m not even read up on the law, I can’t say if he is guilty of these indictments or not. But what I can say is that he has continued to manipulate these situations for his own gain, not those he claims to represent, much less everyone living in the United States of America. No, Trump represents Trump, and we would do well to never forget that.