Sussexes popularity plummeted in America


Self Delusion Harry. 

Have you ever wondered what happens after the fairytale wedding? Well in the case of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, you go on a complete rampage against your families, smearing them in every form possible, then run away claiming that you want nothing but privacy. When you look back over the saga of Harry and Meghan, it sounds like something someone dreamed up to sell newspapers, but life is often stranger than fiction.

But there was a brief period of time, right in the middle of everything, the couple went on Oprah and told their story. America seemed to rally around them, how dare those filthy royals treat her in such a way? Don’t they remember what we did to them in the American Revolution? Or the war of 1812? She can be OUR princess!

While they still have a core cadre of supporters, most of this support has not only waned in the ensuing years, but turned into outright disgust at their antics. And with each mind numbingly weird thing they do, it has become more and more apparent that this was all for one thing, attention.


Let’s take a recent example, when Harry and Meghan were “chased” through NYC for I don’t know how many hours by Paparazzi. First off, I need to let the reader in on a secret, I travelled many times to New York City with my previous job. 

I have spent countless hours sitting in taxi-cabs, crossed more crosswalks than I can count and seen that traffic at all hours (literally) of the day. Right off the bat, I must concede that traffic in NYC, by and large, flows pretty well, not like what I have seen from some California highways.

So is it possible to be involved in some sort of high speed chase? No! It is simply impossible to believe for any second that this actually happened. There are way too many cameras, way too many police and truthfully, way too many paparazzi for this to have happened without a concrete timeline of events, with photos and videos breaking it down second by second. 

You might be asking, what actually happened then? And the truth is, I don’t know. If I had to guess, they were harassed by some people taking photos, did some bait and switch shenanigans and got some distance for peace and quiet. That’s what makes logical sense, that’s what many celebrities do, all over the world. But then, what is this whole thing about the chase?

It’s a lie dear reader. Take a moment and let that sink in, it was a carefully crafted lie meant to ensnare our hearts and minds. It was meant to remind us of the tragic loss of Harry’s mother, at the hands of the paparazzi no less. Meant to put them in the headlines as victims, to garner sympathy and feelings and ultimately make them feel important. And what’s worse, everyone saw right through it, saw it for what it was, and heaped it on the growing animosity towards Harry and Meghan.

The answer for why Americans are getting tired of Harry and Meghan is that we are tired of their manufactured victimhood, manufactured outrage and even their manufactured podcast. That’s right, they are so fake that according to reports, Meghan didn’t even do the interviews for her podcast, instead recording her asking the questions after the interview was completed! This would be an outrage! If I cared about them at all anymore.

Remember that book that Harry wrote “Spare”? I’m going to be honest with you, I didn’t read it, and I never will. Because I really don’t care what manufactured problems he had growing up. Life is hard, and it can be very unfair, but I’m not going to feel bad for someone who was literally born as royalty. Who is so blind to the world around them that they think the only thing that matters is them.

Let’s take a quick look at the title “Spare”, as in he’s nothing but spare parts. Do you have any idea how self-conceited you have to be to think that about your own family? And let’s call a spade a spade, Harry spends a lot of time referencing his mom, and the affects her passing has had on him. But if you believe that your family had you as spare parts, then you are besmirching your own mother’s name! Is nothing sacred to you? No, nothing is sacred to these people who worship at the altar of manufacturing whatever it takes to make other people pay attention to them. 

As we come to a close, let’s take a look at their past relationships. Now, I don’t just mean romantic, those often end ugly and it really wouldn’t be fair to measure them by failed romances. Instead, let’s look at the people in their lives? Harry and Meghan have chewed up and spit out everyone they’ve ever worked with, befriended or had in their life. 

Americans are a unique breed, with a unique history. Time and again, we’ve sought to grow from past mistakes, reinvented ourselves, worked hard and more. We aren’t perfect, by any means of imagination, as a relatively young nation, we still have lots of growing to do. But there is one thing that Americans will always cherish and that is people who are genuine, people who are real and overcome real issues.

I don’t know if Harry and Meghan see the walls closing in with their antics. I don’t know if they realize that all of these attempts to manufacture attention are resulting in diminishing returns. But I can hope they wake up before it’s too late, before they fully wear out their welcome and are relegated to being nothing more than that couple people used to know. 


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