Is Canada a better country than the US?


As an American that lived in Toronto ON for 5 years here was my summation in the short time I lived there.

Canada is a damn great country. It seems like a family of people vs citizens. Sure families have their issues, they really do but they’re still family.

What I didn’t like

It’s crazy expensive. Gas, food, hydro. I used to go into Loblaws and be totally taken aback by prices and I moved to Toronto from New York City. We’re supposed to be the expensive place.

I won’t say the Canadian people are the most polite. I think that is a complete fallacy.

Where I worked in Toronto they were quick to talk about a shooting that would occur in the USA or some racially charged incident there…but I wouldn’t hear them discuss the same incidents that would occur a few miles away within Toronto.

I found it boring. Toronto is Canada’s largest city. I’d compare that to Minneapolis or Phoenix in terms of being large.

What I liked about Canada.

Less “red tape” when I moved there with my husband (same sex couple) I was waiting for a struggle at the border to obtain my work visa. In the USA you’d fight for something like that and it would take ages. I stepped up to the counter at the border ready to rumble! They took my paperwork, looked it over, asked for $150 and gave me a visa. It might have taken 3 minutes. A few days later I went to get my S.I.N. card. (Social Security card equivalent) It was just as simple.

I felt safer there. I slept better there because I worried less. Even though I didn’t find Canada to be “polite” I felt people would stand up for me if it was necessary and not ignore me. I felt included there. I felt people cared that you existed.

I liked watching Canadian television and seeing numerous cultures represented like Asians and Indians that rarely get seen on U.S. television as being part of the American culture. In Canada they were shown on an equal level and not “other-ized”. Even though I thought it was a completely sophomoric show “Little Mosque on the Prairie” would never make it onto a U.S. television station but I was super happy to see it on a Canadian one.

I’m not going to say which country is better than another. I don’t live in Canada any longer but I really miss it nonetheless.

I am a professional avionics systems engineer in the United States. My family and I have decided to move to Canada to be closer to her side of the family. (Vancouver British Columbia area). The wife and kids are Canadian citizens and I applied for permanent residency.

We are well established in the United States and make a good salary however its hard to put a price on being close to family where they will be able to help guide and raise our children, something which is extremely important to us as we have not received that support from my family located nearby.

I would be lying if I told you all I was not worried about job opportunities in the greater Vancouver area. However, the quality of life in regards to culture, education, and health care, coupled with a supportive family environment I believe will more than makeup for a decrease in salary. I also respect that your country has figured out how to keep police from killing its citizens and found ways to better educate your children and provide medical to all citizens.

What really sealed the deal for me is when I learned that my extended family located in BC pays an effective tax rate lower then I do in the United States. I have to pay 22% Federal 8.98% state income tax. My property taxes are 4,800 per year on a house valued at 200K. We also have a 7% sales tax. This is not including the outrageous prices for health care and the future education of our children. By the way, I live in a so-called conservative state Iowa in the supposed cheap mid-west which is run by republicans. I know home prices, gasoline, and you have HST in BC. However, I have a plug-in electric hybrid car where I will use little if any gas and will be able to stay rent-free while we save up for a down payment on a home.

Although I am concerned about finding a suitable job, I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree and 14 years in the aviation industry, I feel that I will most likely have to switch industries, I also do not expect to earn as much as I currently do. However what I will tell all of you that no matter how much money I make it never fills the void of lack of family support, quality of life, etc. I am also consistently worried when sick or injured to go to the doctor due to the costs. My deductible is $13,500 for my family. My wife and I have forgone going to the doctor/emergency room when we probably should have due to fear of the cost. Also, the insurance provided by your employer does not do you much good if you are laid off like those 40 million.

For those considering a move to the USA. I would not advise it at this time. The political divisiveness is exhausting (both parties really do not represent the interests of the majority of the people). No one is willing to hear anyone of an opposing viewpoint out. Many people here have the I got mine so F U attitude. Corporations rule this country and are in control of both political parties you are completely expendable. The second the business case is not there for your employment you are gone (at-will employment) usually means at their will you are let go with little or no notice. Business and the military is where most of our tax dollars go when 40 million people are out of work. Yes, you can make more money here but money will never fill your soul. Additionally, by the time you pay all the taxes extra costs for medical and education I think it is roughly a wash. I also believe it is a better family environment That’s why we have decided to make the move even with my job concerns.

I am lucky to have a supporting family that is willing to allow us to stay when them while we get settled in the Vancouver area and I look for work. Any advice for tackling the job market there would be most welcome or if you all have any further questions about the US or any other comments.

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