Hypocrisy and political opportunism in USA


When news broke Friday that 82 year old Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked by a hammer-wielding stranger who had broken into his San Francisco residence, conspiracy theorists didn’t take that long to light their fire.

The fact that a senior suffered an horendus assault and some who were willing to divert the conversation to advance their point of view.

The Victim’s wife, one of the most powerful democrats, House speaker Pelosi was not at home at this moment, but everyone has opinions about what happened and why.

As a Canadian I find it very offensive and sad that some Americans don’t have or feel compassion for fellow human beings, regardless of who’s his wife or what his political beliefs are.

The attack immediately planted strange and stupid conspiracy theories from the right about Mr Pelosi’s relationship with the attacker. On top of that some started to mock and downplay the attack.

There’s no excuse for any of that. 

However, it has also highlighted a double standard in news coverage of the conservative media organizations. News reports quickly connected the violence to “demonizing” of the House speaker. 

On Friday, President Joe Biden was quickly blamed at Republicans as follows.

“What makes us think that one party can talk about ‘stolen elections,’ ‘COVID being a hoax,’ ‘this is all a bunch of lies,’ and it does not affect people who may not be so well balanced?” 

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