
A mystery surrounding Easter Sunday attack

It is still shrouded in a mystery in spite of the fact that much awaited report of the Presidential Commission of investigation (PCoI) into the Easter Sunday attack was out. In the wake of former Attorney General Mr. Dappula Livera’s controversial statement on the eve of his retirement from public office hinting that there was a grand conspiracy behind the attack, gave rise to these suspicions. It was not clear whether Mr. Livera’s statement was based on the findings of PCoI.  In another incident, it raised eyebrows as to the transfer of main sleuth former SSP Shani Abeysekera of the investigation who is in dragnet for falsifying evidence on another case, to the Military Intelligence for recording his statement on the attack. This was an unprecedented move which is suspicious. Simultaneous suicide attacks took place at 3 Churches in Colombo, Negombo and Batticoloa, and 3 leading 5 star hotels in Colombo.  As a result of this carnage, the final death toll stood at 267 including 39 foreigners.  Most of those who were killed in the attack were unsuspecting Catholics in prayers. This unfortunate incident has changed socio-religious climate in Sri Lanka.  The Catholic clergy had no alternative but to raise their voice, and the people mainly Catholics wanted the Cardinal, their de facto leader to spearhead this struggle on behalf of the aggrieved families and the Catholic community in Sri Lanka. 

Role of the Cardinal

Unlike Buddhists who has no local supreme leader religious leader as such at the helm, the Catholics has a leader to turn to, in a crisis of this nature.  He was the man of the moment and he was none other than His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the savior of his faith by ex officio appointment.  The Cardinal was in the forefront rising to the occasion and led the peoples’ agitation to the fore.  This heinous massacre came into being during the presidential tenure of Maithripala Sirisena and much criticism was levelled against the government then for mishandling or dragging the issue.  The Cardinal openly challenged the government to reveal the truth behind the attacks, bring the culprits to justice and pay due reparation to the victimized families.  But, the progress was incessantly slow to the chagrin of the people.  In November 2019, one of the main items featured in the manifesto of the incumbent president was to expose the perpetrators and do justice to the victims no sooner he comes to power.  In keeping with his solemn pledge, he convened a presidential commission to inquiry into the attacks upon assuming the highest office.  The sittings of the presidential commission took months to conclude with some extensions in the interim. 

People being not privy to the findings of PCoI

Eventually, the report which ran into more than 10,000 pages was submitted to the president and to be precise, it contained 22 volumes.  But surprisingly, it was kept a secret at the highest level of the government, even without making it available to the legislature to study. The government was hesitant not to give at least a condensed brief of what was contained in it, to the concerned individuals.  Even Cardinal was given a copy of the same and it was reported later that he was given certain amount of information about the findings. At a press briefing held in Colombo to mark the official handing over the commission report, it was only reiterated the names of the suicide bombers but there was no mention about the so-called elusive mastermind behind the attacks.   Zaharan Hashim who was one of the suicide cadres perished on the spot, was named as the person who orchestrated this series of attacks and the extremist organization National Thowheeth Jama’ath was to blame for instigating it.  But, this is not world order to be, in the eyes of police or military intelligence.  Nowhere in the world, has a terrorist leader given up his life in the very first attack of this nature?  There was a certain suspicion that surfaced out of this situation. It made everyone think whether the government is covering up anything in this ugly episode for self-interest.  Apparently, this has convinced the Cardinal to resume his agitation against the government once again, setting a self-proclaimed dateline for justice.  The date was to be 21st April 2021, the day of 2nd anniversary of Easter Sunday series of attacks.  The date just passed by, without any significant commotion with the Cardinal only renewing his call for justice at a mass in Colombo. 

Did Cardinal U-turn?

Destroyed statue at St Anthony’s church.

As for the Cardinal, he is seemingly appalled by this situation.  Once, he even threatened to take the case to the international courts.  Information is not available to say whether he is making any headway towards this end.  However, it is clear that nothing more can be expected from the government authorities without agitation or external pressure.  It is still unknown why the government which swept to power with a pledge of justice for Easter Sunday attack victims, chose to backtrack the issue now.  It is a twist of fate for innocent victims who still agonize the misery, in wheel chairs and on hospital beds.  And what about the families who lost a number of loved ones in this daylight murder of innocent civilians.  Today, the Churches around the country are given full military and police protection by the government especially during the regular services and feasts.  Nevertheless, it would no way make amends for what the people have gone through.  In this sense, the Cardinal’s role is crucial. This became apparent when Cardinal made a statement on 13th July 2021 on the occasion of submitting an interim report by 7 Bishops on purported shortcomings of PCoI.  He articulated of a possible conspiracy behind the attack.  He indirectly hinted that it would have been a politically manipulated attack.  But, he took U-turn within hours to state that he didn’t mean to say that it was a politically motivated attack. It was a surprise move by the Cardinal on whom the Catholics unscrupulously depend on. Many believe that the Cardinal was under heavy political pressure. Does the government have a hidden motive to safeguard any of the perpetrators? There are more unanswered questions than answered ones.  In this scenario, the Cardinal is walking on a tight rope.  He is sandwiched between the government and the people of his faith, with no solution at hand.  The whole world is still looking up to the Cardinal.  Whatever the choices he makes, will impact Sri Lankan Catholics. 

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